John Hubertz I'm a lifelong student of the sciences, and I care not a bit about the measly five degrees plus or minus that separate dead polar bears and no ice from a new ice age.
John Hubertz What I am somewhat concerned about is the tipping-point crossed by mankind sometime between 1917 and 1922, when the percentage of oxygen in earth's atmosphere began to decline.
John Hubertz Current predictions are that in less than 2500 years, fire will not burn without supplemental oxygen on planet earth. This is rather unfortunate, especially when you consider that cellular biology is at the microscopic and atomic level, a tiny fire. That means " Oh darn it!" "Gee, the earth will no longer support the existence of oxygen breathing organisms." The regeneration of our oxygen-based biosphere will take an estimated 100,000 to 1,000,000 years, depending on a variety of factors. There you go folks - thanks to the good old USA and a few hundred worldwide corporations, as of the year 4800 or so (a blink in the history of man) we will not be able to live on this planet. Global warming is a talking point for those who would distract us from the real issue, which is overpopulation, predatory capitalism, and the forces of greed that have done this to us all. Yeah, our planet... and for Trump voters
🤔 I should gently remind you that this is our Earth.... and that is the name of the planet your children need to live on?

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