Saturday, October 25, 2014

The fountain of true charity

"If you ask someone what they need, and they are kind enough to tell you, either give it to them or go away.  Partial solutions result in partial people."  retranslation of the words of Saint Vincent dePaul

The fountain of true charity

"If you ask someone what they need, and they are kind enough to tell you, either give it to them or go away.  Partial solutions result in partial people."  retranslation of the words of Saint Vincent dePaul

Friday, October 24, 2014

Why has RHE changed from a transportation and assistance ministry to a housing and fellowship ministry?

Well, cars are complicated.  Between maintenance, the need for special tools and our lack of funds for training, cars have simply become a problem to maintain.

If you leave a bolt out of someone’s back door it might squeak, but if you leave a bolt off an automobile you might accidentally cause an accident.  It is simply safer and more reliable, less climate-sensitive work.

We continue to pursue our dual commitment to "ban the box" by employing those with legal histories, and to always direct our work to the retired, the disabled and the handicapped.