Sunday, September 29, 2013

With or without economic recovery, the issue is a jobless world.

If any country in the world is unprepared for the future of "George Jetson" jobs or no jobs at all (for the majority of people), it is the United States of America.

From the moment the first Pilgrims stepped foot on Plymouth Rock, the American dream has been all about work - hard work in most cases, and lots of it.  From birth till death we are bombarded by the message that only hard work matters, that the more you work the better person you are, and that there is nothing about the European system or anywhere else in the world that can compare to the industriousness of the American worker and the opportunities afforded by the American system.

How many times have we listened as our fellow citizen laugh at and ridicule countries that mandate five weeks or more of paid vacation, short work weeks or other methods to spread the work around?

The entire structure of this social construct is falling apart all around us.  Current estimates are that nearly 50% of all existing jobs will be made obsolete by automation, computer intelligence and real honest-to-god robots within the next generation - certainly by 2050 if not sooner, the idea that everyone needs a job to be considered a full and productive member of society will be functionally obsolete.

If you look around, you can already see evidence of the current value system falling apart at the seams.  Youth unemployment is at record highs, we are surrounded by Baristas with college diplomas, and the mature unemployed often have given up on ever finding work.  These people represent just the tip of this iceberg of social change.

Ask yourself - what would happen if you were unemployed and simply could not ever find another job?

Looking outside the USA we can see some solutions - but they aren't going to be easy.  Add in the famous American "work ethic", and it looks pretty much impossible.  Here are the main problems in a nutshell:

  • How do you distribute wealth and provide income for people if they do not have paid work?
  • What can you offer as a work alternative for people that will support their self esteem and provide the level of healthy social interaction that we currently receive from the workplace?
  • Who will buy the cars and washing machines and houses and electricity necessary for a healthy and robust economy when only the luckiest and best prepared among us can find a job?

Perhaps more important than these issues is the overall effect that a jobless America will have on the entire moral and cultural climate here in the USA.  Can we really afford a future where those few who have jobs are held up as the only people of value?

The time to begin preparing for these changes is right now.  

An Open Letter to Congressional Staffers

Dear Sir, Madam;

On behalf of the American people, I implore you to examine your conscience and begin thinking very seriously about the person you work for.

If your Congressman is willing to sabotage the economy and the reputation of our Nation to push his or her own agenda, are you really working for the right person?

If your Congressman strictly votes the 'party line', and obviously cares more for big donors, PAC priorities and the interests of big business then they do for the citizens of their district, are you OK with that?

If your children or a group of schoolkids would ask you about your job, could you really be honest that in assisting your Congressman you are truly being a decent, loyal American?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, you should express this truth to your employer.  I ask that you openly announce that you are not willing to work for someone who is violating their oath of office and not working in the best interests of the American people.

Try to remember what drew you into politics to begin with.  I'm pretty sure it wasn't to assist people who trade their votes for 'donations', rely on corporate bribes to get elected, and who routinely ignore the needs of ordinary people to implement the will of their corporate masters.

Think about it, and take action.

John Hubertz
Indiana, USA