Thursday, August 23, 2018

Can an entire species win a Darwin award?

The Darwin award is an annual juried presentation of the most unlikely and ridiculous ways people have accidents or make mistakes that kill them.

Homo Sapiens - I'm awarding you the grand prize.  Complete extinction of all oxygen breathing life withing 1500 - 10,000 years.

Game over - I'm calling the game because of rain, lightning, volcano, tsunami, collapsing foodchains, heat, blizzard, tornado, hurricane, flood and blood-red water.  Deforestation, acid rain, heavy-metal leaching into the water supply, habitat destruction, over-farming, over-fishing, over-fucking.

People, this thing can't swing the other way.

This world habitat crisis is well past identified tipping-points, and like water on the stove it is just going to "change states" and create a global environment no longer able to support large life, especially life dependent on oxygen and liquid water.

It is already going global and nobody is innocent. More news is coming daily. The human race is imploding like the Atlanta Braves front office and the planet deserves to be colonized by a better species. 

Dinosaurs ruled the planet for millions of years and were responsible stewards while the humans torched, devoured, and destroyed during their brief 10,000 year tenure and are in the ninth inning with two outs and no one on deck. And we are watching it real time.

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Coconuts in the White House (funny)

Some people are coconuts.

Imagine - you are stranded alone on a desert island, with no fresh water, fishing line, or food.

Then, you discover a pile of coconuts.  You are saved!  Coconuts are full of sweet watery nectar and nutritious pulpy food.  You pile up 35 in an hour.  Surely a boat will pass before you die.

With joy you attack the first one with your trusty Graber knife, one of the big ones...  to pry it open as you have not had a sip of water in almost four days.

Suddenly "SNAP"

OH FUCK THE KNIFE BROKE IN HALF and the blade sails over your head and with a soft splash falls into a bottomless sinkhole full of salt water and a large crocodile.

Those 35 coconuts, they will sit there - full of everything you could ever want or need, and they will with what appears to be great joy, watch you die.

Some people are like that.

Donald Trump and Michael Pence?  Coconuts.  They just want the poor, the homeless, the starving and people who are not "Christian" (click link to explain) to go away and die under a bridge, or better yet get arrested and sent to a nice profitable prison.

Malcolm X (my Father met him as he was a friend of Stokely Carmichael/Kwame Ture) said this one week before he died.


Read on (funny) - Clinically Insane Idiot-Savant 
Writes open Letter to Mike Pence on his Birthday

Read on:  The Day my Father Met Malcolm X (contains
previously unpublished quote)

Read on:  Message from God to the World - 2018
(New Hope Peace Academy 2018 Essay Award Winner)

Read on:  Link to New Hope Peace Academy Worldwide
and More Articles on Peace, Equality and Tolerance